Chinese Rose Garden
Chinese rose, knownas the Queen of Flowers, is one of the four cut flower material in the worldand it is also one of the top ten traditional famous flowers in China, belongingto the rose family. Some Chinese roses are evergreen low shrubs, and some are semi-evergreen.They bloom all year round, and the flowers have various colors, such as red,pink, white, yellow, orange, bluish violet, mixed color, etc. Also, they are ofhigh ornamental value and often used for flower border, parterre, flower fence,lacework, vertical greening and Chinese rose theme garden. At present, thereare about 24,000 species of modern Chinese roses around the globe and 1,200 in China.This Chinese Rose Garden covers an area of 2,000 square meters and has 176Chinese rose varieties, such as‘golden phoenix’,‘pink fan’,‘gold medal’,‘Frenchlace’, etc.